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Women of Color Week:Immigration, Assimilation, & Integration

Event Details

Monday, March 6, 2017
6-7:30 p.m.
Varsity Hall, Union South
In “The New Colossus,” Emma Lazarus portrayed the Statue of Liberty as “A mighty woman with a torch / whose flame is the imprisoned lightning / and her name Mother of Exiles.” This poem establishes a national identity for America as a welcoming home for immigrants who are striving for freedom, for minorities who are trying to make sense of American cultural landscape. One hundred year later, in the wake of Trump's immigration ban, we are going to explore how immigrants, especially women of color, establish their home in America. Is assimilation a necessary process of Americanization? How do immigrants negotiate their political rights in America? How to challenge the normalization of xenophobic violence?
Join us to hear speakers Cindy I-fen Cheng, Professor of History and Asian American Studies, and Mary N. Layoun, Professor and Chair of Comparative Literature & Folklore Studies to explore different aspects of immigration.
Time: 6:00 - 7:30 PM, Marth 6th Location: Varity Hall I, Union South
This event is a part of Women of Color Week.
This event is free and open to UW-Madison students, staff, faculty, Union members and their guests.
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