All events
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Analytical Seminar: Professor Brandon Ruotolo (University of Michigan)
12:05-1:05 p.m.
1315 Seminar Hall , Chemistry Building
Parenting in Precarity: Experiences of Black Mothers Impacted by Child Protective Services
Institute for Research on Poverty Seminar - Darcey Merritt
12:15-1:30 p.m.
MLRC Speaker Series: Igone Arteagoitia
Exemplary Dual Language Bilingual Education Programs: What Does It Take?
1-2 p.m.
Genomics Seminar Series: Anthony Gitter, Ph.D., UW Madison
Protein language models: Teaching old sequences new tricks
1:30-2:30 p.m.
UW Biotechnology Center Auditorium, Genetics-Biotechnology Center Building
Also offered online -
"Sleep, Health and Aging": In-Person Badger Talk in Middleton, WI
Presenter: Dr. Barczi
1:30 p.m.
7448 Hubbard Avenue, Middleton, WI
Probability Seminar
Alexander Meehan (UW-Madison, Department of Philosophy) - What conditional probability could (probably) be
2:30 p.m.
901 Van Vleck Hall
Distinguished Seminars in Microbiology: Dr. Yi Liu
Synonymous but not silent: the codon usage code for gene expression and protein folding
3:30-4:30 p.m.
1220 Ebling Symposium Center, Microbial Sciences
Biology Colloquium: Niels Ringstad
Modulation of behavior by host-microbe interactions
3:30-4:30 p.m.
168 Noland Hall
Sanja Badanjak, “Fragmented Peacemaking as an Opportunity to Preserve the Lex Pacificatoria"
"Examining the Role of the EU in Peace Talks”
4 p.m.
Lubar Commons (7200), Law Building
Weston Roundtable
Microbial Ecology Guided Energy and Resource Recovery from Landfills
4:15-5:15 p.m.