Thursday, November 12, 2009
Materials Science Seminar
The High Frontier of Materials Science Lives in the Marine Life of the Sea
4 p.m.
BUS/CALS China Trip 2010 Information
Four-Week Study Trip in May-June to Various Sites in China
4:30-5:30 p.m.
TIGH, Grainger Hall
Writing Center Class
Preparing for the Liberal Arts Essay Competition
5:30-7 p.m.
6171 Helen C. White Hall
East Asian Studies 'Supernatural Presences' Series
The Goblins and the Golden Clubs
7-8 p.m.
Madison Public Library, Central Branch
Bill Ivey Lecture
Arts, Inc.: Greed, Neglect and Our Cultural Rights
7 p.m.
Madison Museum of Contemporary Art (MMoCA)
Action in Sudan Meeting
Help Stop Violence and Improve Lives in Sudan
7 p.m.
4210 333 East Campus Mall
Lecture With Buddhist Teacher Ole Nydahl
Karma Kagyu Buddhism (Diamond Way)
8-11:45 p.m.
TITU, Memorial Union
Freestyle Funk Sessions
Learn to Dance With This Student Organization
8 p.m.
Multipurpose Room, Student Activities Center, fourth floor, 333 East Campus Mall