Friday, April 20, 2012
African Studies Film Presentation
Recording a Revolution: A Story of Music, Religion, and Identity
3 p.m.
Vandeberg Auditorium, Pyle Center
Pharmaceutical Sciences Seminar
Photoredox Catalysis: Enabling Chemical Synthesis with Visible Light
3:30-4:30 p.m.
2006 Rennebohm Hall
Lectures Committee Presents: Maria Uriarte
"Land Use, Climate, and Fire in the Western Peruvian Amazon"
3:30 p.m.
180 Science Hall
Geography Lecture Series
Land Use, Climate, and Fire Activity in the Western Peruvian Amazon
3:30 p.m.
180 Science Hall
Neuroscience and Public Policy Program Seminar
Oceans, Climate, and Human Health: Scientific Understanding of the Direct Relationship Between Human Disease and the Environment
4 p.m.
Spark and Flame: 50 Years of Art Glass and the University of Wisconsin–Madison
Lecture by exhibition curator Michael Monroe
5:30 p.m.
L160, Chazen Museum of Art, Conrad A. Elvehjem Building
Spark and Flame: 50 Years of Art Glass and the University of Wisconsin–Madison
Preview Reception
6:30 p.m.