Thursday, February 9, 2017
Household Finance Research Seminar Series
Dee Warmath, Professor of Consumer Science in the School of Human Ecology, presents
3:45 p.m.
1199 WI Idea Room, Nancy Nicholas Hall
ECE 125th Anniversary - Distinguished Seminar Series: John Wiley
An Unusual Path from Professor to Chancellor
4-6:30 p.m.
1800 Engineering Hall
CREECA Lecture Series
"Understanding the New Land Rush: How Capital Inflows Transformed Rural Russia"
4 p.m.
206 Ingraham Hall
Weston Roundtable: Dr. John Greenler, Wisconsin Energy Institute
Learning and teaching on energy: from large-scale complex systems to a time of political polarization
4:15-5:15 p.m.
Weston Roundtable Series
Learning and teaching on energy: from large-scale complex systems to a time of political polarization
4:15-5:15 p.m.
Global Café
4:30-6 p.m.
Multicultural Student Center Lounge, Red Gym (716 Langdon Street, 2nd floor)
Late Neolithic Ukranian Paleogenomics and the Establishment of Modern European Genetic Diversity
7-8:20 p.m.
Wisconsin Historical Society (across from the Memorial Union)
UTA presents Romeo & Juliet
The Wisconsin Union
7:30 p.m.
Frederic March Play Circle, Wisconsin Union Theater