Thursday, November 2, 2017
Biology Colloquium: Carlos Eduardo Santibáñez López
The evolution of the peptide calcin family in Scorpion venom through a phylogenomic spyglass
3:30-4:30 p.m.
B302 Birge Hall
Sophomores and Juniors in L&S Information Session
Future Election to Phi Beta Kappa
4-5 p.m.
L&S Honors Office, Washburn Observatory
CREECA Fall Lecture Series
"Insights on Imperial Russian Industrialization from Newly Collected Firm-Level Data"
4-5:30 p.m.
206 Ingraham Hall
Weston Roundtable: David Barbier
Finding 100% Renewable Energy: It’s Easier Done Than Said
4:15-5:15 p.m.
Global Café
All students welcome!
4:30-6 p.m.
Multicultural Student Center Lounge, Red Gym (716 Langdon Street, 2nd floor)
SJMC Admissions Information Workshop
Submitting your undergraduate application for the School of Journalism & Mass Communication
5:45-6:45 p.m.
Nafziger Conference Room, 5055 , Vilas Hall