Wednesday, February 14, 2018
SILO Seminar Series: Youssef Marzouk
Sequential Bayesian inference via low-dimensional couplings
12:30 p.m.
3rd Floor Orchard View Room, Discovery Building
Integrating effective teaching and assessment practices in biology lab courses through case studies
1-2:30 p.m.
qBio Seminar Series: Karl Broman
18 years of R/qtl: maintaining, supporting, and sustaining scientific software
2 p.m.
3rd Floor Orchard View Room, Discovery Building
AOS Department Seminar
The 3D Structure of Mesoscale Jets Associated with Potential Vorticity Dipoles in Tropical Cyclones: A Comparison of UWNMS, Operational Model Analyses and HS3 Dropsondes
2:30-3:30 p.m.
Laboratory of Genetics Spring Colloquium
Junsu Kang - "Fishing for the regulators of tissue regeneration”
3:30 p.m.
Visiting Artist Colloquium
Annie Evelyn
5-6:15 p.m.
Conrad A. Elvehjem Building, Rm L160, 800 University Ave, Madison WI 53706
Wednesday dinner at the French House
Weekly French immersion dinner for all levels
6 p.m.
The French House, 633 N Frances St.
Wednesday Nite @ the Lab
"Darwin Day Speaker: Sex, cells, evolution: The molecular origins of meiosis & its sometimes strange natural history" by John Logsdon, University of Iowa
7-8:15 p.m.
Brazillian Fitness Kickoff
Exercise Buddy Included :)
All day
Kanopy Dance Studio, 341 State St, Madison, WI