Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Visiting Artist Colloquium
Nicolas Lampert
5-6:15 p.m.
Conrad A. Elvehjem Building, Rm L160, 800 University Ave, Madison WI 53706
Activism and Beyond
Science Policy In Government, Business, and the Lab
5-6 p.m.
1420 Microbial Sciences
Wednesday dinner at the French House
Weekly French immersion dinner for all levels
6 p.m.
The French House, 633 N Frances St.
R E A C H: Points of Impact / Invisible Mountains Gallery Talks Reception
MA Exhibitions by Carissa Heinrichs and Anders Zanichkowsky
6-8 p.m.
Lofts Gallery, Art Lofts
AWC Meeting
Association for Women in Communication (AWC)
6:30-8 p.m.
Nafziger Conference Room, 5055 , Vilas Hall
Wednesday WildN' Comedy Show
Wisconsin Union Theater
The Wisconsin Union
7-11:55 p.m.
Play Circle Theater, Memorial Union
Faculty Duo Recital: Mark Hetzler, trombone, & Martha Fischer, piano
7:30 p.m.
Mills Concert Hall , Mosse Humanities Building
WUD Society & Politics Weekly Discussion
The Wisconsin Union
8-9 p.m.
Board Room, 3rd Floor, Memorial Union