Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Mutual Survival: Education Reform & Economic Change in Rural Wisconsin
A Wisconsin Ideas in Education Series lecture by Jennifer Seelig
12:30-1:30 p.m.
Wisconsin Idea Room (159), Education Building
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Colloquia
Do Students Say They Can Learn Mental Health Nursing from a Complex Simulation Assignment?
1-2 p.m.
Cell and Regenerative Biology Seminar: Laurie Boyer
"Matters of the heart: controlling cardiac fate"
1-2 p.m.
qBio Seminar Series: John Orrock, Associate Professor, Integrative Biology
The ecological and evolutionary implications of fear: how plants modify cannibalism among insects and how predators shape the evolution of activity timing in wild mice
2 p.m.
3rd Floor Orchard View Room, Discovery Building
Laboratory of Genetics 2018 Fall Colloquium
Jikui Song – University of California, Riverside – “Mechanistic Insights into Mammalian DNA Methylation”
3:30 p.m.
Writing Center Workshop
Ways into Writing: Easy (and Fun) Strategies for Unleashing Your Ideas (sec 1)
4-5:15 p.m.
Writing Center (Commons), 6171, Helen C. White Hall
Register to Vote - College Library, MERIT library, and Memorial Library
For the Nov. 6 election, students have the option to vote from either their home address or their campus-area address.
4-8 p.m.
College Library, MERIT Library, and Memorial Library
Excel 1
Software Training for Students (STS)
6-8 p.m.
BioCommons - Teaching Annex,, Steenbock Library
Dare to Deconstruct this Book
The Wisconsin Union
6-8:30 p.m.
Wheelhouse Studios - Lower Level, Memorial Union