Thursday, October 4, 2018
Thrive@UW-Madison: Expanding Self-Knowledge to Adapt and Thrive
1-4 p.m.
5045, 5th floor, 21 N. Park St.
Is there a future for Brain Computer Interface and Artificial Intelligence in Neurosurgery during the next decade?
Hilldale Lecture in the biological Sciences by Professor Alim Louis Benabid, MD, PhD
2:30 p.m.
Neuroscience & Public Policy Seminar by Josh Cruz
Title: Poverty, Pregnancy, and Public Assistance Programs: A Neuroscience & Public Policy Perspective
3-4 p.m.
Biotechnology Auditorium Room 1111 (425 Henry Mall), Genetics-Biotechnology Center Building
Covering & Protecting Your Elections
Free training by the Society for Professional Journalists & the Google News Initiative
3-7 p.m.
2195 Vilas Hall
Biology Colloquium: Norm Wickett
Applying phylogenomic datasets to multiple scales in diverse organisms, from Onagraceae to mosses to diatoms
3:30-4:30 p.m.
B302 Birge Hall
Writing Center Workshop
Grammar 2: Grammar and Editing for Style and Clarity (sec 1)
4-6 p.m.
6172 Helen C. White Hall
Register to Vote - College Library, MERIT library, and Memorial Library
For the Nov. 6 election, students have the option to vote from either their home address or their campus-area address.
4-8 p.m.
College Library, MERIT Library, and Memorial Library
"Orthodox Impossible: History, Religion, and the Limits of Studying Russia's Dominant Confession"
Patrick Michelson, Associate Professor, Department of Religious Studies at Indiana University
4-5 p.m.
206 Ingraham Hall
How to Complete the L&S Scholarships Application (continuing students)
L&S Scholarships Workshop
5-6 p.m.
TITU, Memorial Union
Choi Tae Kwon Do Practice
FREE Tae Kwon Do Lessons!
5-6:30 p.m.
Multipurpose Room, 333 East Campus Mall
Wisconsin Entrepreneurship Showcase Event
A Weinert Center for Entrepreneurship, StartUp and UW Housing Event; Sponsored by Paul Reckwerdt and Ellen Rosner
6-8:30 p.m.