Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Study Abroad Advising for Spain
Are you interested in studying in Spain?
12-2 p.m.
Study Abroad Resource Center, 301, Armory and Gymnasium (Red Gym)
Study Abroad Advising for Italy
1-3 p.m.
Study Abroad Resource Center, 301, Armory and Gymnasium (Red Gym)
Study Abroad Advising for Australia and the UK
1-2 p.m.
Study Abroad Resource Center, 301, Armory and Gymnasium (Red Gym)
Chancellor's Convocation
Welcome for all Incoming UW Students!
1:30-3 p.m.
Kohl Center, 601 West Dayton Street
Canvas Overview for L&S TAs and Instructors
Canvas at a glance & core functionalities
3:30-4:30 p.m.
254 Van Hise Hall
Biological Systems Engineering New Student Welcome
Orientation for Freshmen and New Transfer students
3:30-5 p.m.
Badger Talk - Mequon: "Rapid Warming of the Great Lakes"
6-7 p.m.
Frank L. Weyenberg Library, 11345 N Cedarburg Rd, Mequon, WI 53092