Thursday, September 19, 2019
Study Abroad Advising for Field Study Programs
Are you interested in gaining research and field experience while studying abroad?
12:30-2:30 p.m.
Study Abroad Resource Center, 301, Armory and Gymnasium (Red Gym)
NIA Opportunities; Small Business, Career Development and Training
Featuring National Institute of Aging DEA Senior Scientific Advisor Dr. Rene Etcheberrigaray
1-4 p.m.
325 & 326, Pyle Center
Study Abroad Advising for Australia and the UK
1:30-3 p.m.
Study Abroad Resource Center, 301, Armory and Gymnasium (Red Gym)
State Archives Preservation Facility Tour
Get a behind-the-scenes tour of this exciting state-of-the-art preservation facility!
2-4 p.m.
Langdon Street side of, Wisconsin Historical Society
Peace Corps Walk-In Advising
Get your questions about Peace Corps service answered
2-4 p.m.
200B Bascom Hall
Neuroscience Lecture Series presents Dr. Michael Landy
Sensory Cue Integration: Beyond Vision
3-4 p.m.
John D. Wiley Conference Center (T216 North Tower), Waisman Center
LACIS Fall Ice Cream Social -- Welcome Back to Campus!
Sponsored by the Latin American, Caribbean, and Iberian Studies Program
3-5 p.m.
Mark Tschopp (U.S. Army Research Laboratory) presents a Lindbergh Lecture
Graduate seminar in the Department of Mechanical Engineering
3:30-5 p.m.
3M Auditorium (room 1106), Mechanical Engineering Building
DreamUp MeetUp
Join project leadership in an open discussion to share your ideas and get your questions answered.
3:30-5:30 p.m.
Pyle Center, 702 Langdon Street, Madison, WI 53706
Biology Colloquium: David Stern
Population Genomics of Rapid Adaptation during Parallel Invasion Events
3:30-4:30 p.m.
B302 Birge Hall
Household Finance Research Seminar
Melody Harvey, National Poverty Fellow, presents about financial education
3:45-4:45 p.m.
1199 Nancy Nicholas Hall
Russia and the European Human Rights System
CREECA Fall Lecture Series
4-5:15 p.m.
206 Ingraham Hall