Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Badger Talks LIVE: The School of Human Ecology Equity & Justice Network
Dr. Janean Dilworth-Bart, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs at the School of Human Ecology and Professor of Human Development and Family Studies
12 p.m.
Distinguished Entrepreneurs Lunch
Marissa and Samantha Harkness, Co-Founders, Pill Skills
12:15-1 p.m.
5110 Grainger Hall
Quality Supervision and Practice in a Higher Education Setting
Student Employment Supervisor Series (SESS)
1-2 p.m.
Writing Center Workshop
Designing and Composing Effective Research Posters (for Undergrads) (Hybrid)
2-3:30 p.m.
Writing Center (Commons), 6171, Helen C. White Hall
Coding Meetup
Coding Support for Researchers
2:30-4:30 p.m.
1153/54, Discovery Building
Also offered online -
Steenbock Lectures in Biochemistry: Carlos Bustamante
Lecture 2: Co-translational protein folding one molecule at a time: Two stories
3 p.m.
Jacqueline Goldsby
James Baldwin’s Creative Process: Theorizing the 1941 Manuscript of Go Tell It on the Mountain
4-5:30 p.m.
CPEP Seminar: From Plants to Planets: Land Surface Effects on Global Climate
Speaker: Marysa Laguë, Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Utah, James S. McDonnell Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow in Dynamic and Multiscale Systems, University of Saskatchewan
4-5 p.m.