Social Ballroom Dance and Lessons!
Event Details
Friday, September 16, 2016
6:30 p.m.
Upper Program Room, Holt Center (Kronshage)
Come learn a couple new dances before dancing the night away with the Ballroom Association of UW-Madison!
Pre-dance lessons: Beginner Foxtrot and Beginner ChaCha
8–11 p.m. - Social Dancing!
Beginners shouldn't be hesitant to join us for social dancing: this is where the most learning (and fun!) happens!
Open to BAM members, and all UW-System students, faculty, staff, and their guests.
Pre-dance lessons: Beginner Foxtrot and Beginner ChaCha
8–11 p.m. - Social Dancing!
Beginners shouldn't be hesitant to join us for social dancing: this is where the most learning (and fun!) happens!
Open to BAM members, and all UW-System students, faculty, staff, and their guests.
Lessons: Free for members, $5 for non-members. Dance: $3 for members, $5 for non-members