WISPER 101 Training Session
Event Details
Thursday, September 1, 2016
9-11 a.m.
5045 21 N. Park St.
WISPER is the UW's web-based system for electronic routing of applications and agreements related to extramural funding.
WISPER 101 Training is offered by the Research and Sponsored Programs Office and is for those wishing to learn the basics of WISPER, the electronic routing system for extramural applications and agreements on the UW campus. This introductory session will highlight basic navigation, how to create and route documents on campus, and how to use the worklist functions of WISPER.
WISPER 101 Training is offered by the Research and Sponsored Programs Office and is for those wishing to learn the basics of WISPER, the electronic routing system for extramural applications and agreements on the UW campus. This introductory session will highlight basic navigation, how to create and route documents on campus, and how to use the worklist functions of WISPER.