John D. Wiley Seminar Series
"From Familial Traits to Developmental Endophenotypes: Tracing the Origins of Risk and Resilience in Autism"
Event Details
Friday, April 28, 2017
12 p.m.
Waisman Center
John N. Constantino, MD - Washington University School of Medicine
About the Speaker: Constantino, MD, focuses on understanding genetic and environmental influences on disorders of social development in childhood and their implications for preventive intervention. He and his team developed methods for measuring autistic symptoms as quantitative traits, allowing patterns of transmission of inherited susceptibility to be traced in families and large populations.
About the Speaker: Constantino, MD, focuses on understanding genetic and environmental influences on disorders of social development in childhood and their implications for preventive intervention. He and his team developed methods for measuring autistic symptoms as quantitative traits, allowing patterns of transmission of inherited susceptibility to be traced in families and large populations.