La cineteca italiana-Weekly Italian Film Screenings
"Bianca come il latte, rossa come il sangue"
Event Details
Monday, February 6, 2017
7 p.m.
L196 Education Building
This week Cineteca is screening "Bianca come il latte, rossa come il sangue".
For 16-year-old Leo going to school is truly torture, and his only interests are fun, his friends and naturally a girl, Beatrice. Everything changes one day when a new philosophy professor arrives to his class, and above all when he finds out that Beatrice is terribly ill. He will do everything possible to try to make her fall in love with him and save her life.
For 16-year-old Leo going to school is truly torture, and his only interests are fun, his friends and naturally a girl, Beatrice. Everything changes one day when a new philosophy professor arrives to his class, and above all when he finds out that Beatrice is terribly ill. He will do everything possible to try to make her fall in love with him and save her life.