Global Health Tuesday: Moving Forward
Helping cities quantify the health benefits of active travel
Event Details
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
4:30-5:30 p.m.
Assistant Scientist Jason Vargo and Health Research Fellow Maggie Grabow discuss the Global Health Institute's efforts to improve the use of the Integrated Transport &
Health Impacts Model, integrating data on air quality, physical activity and
more to estimate disease-specific morbidity and mortality. The results will help
cities predict the health and climate benfits of smarter land use and planning
decisions that promote active transportation, including biking and walking
Health Impacts Model, integrating data on air quality, physical activity and
more to estimate disease-specific morbidity and mortality. The results will help
cities predict the health and climate benfits of smarter land use and planning
decisions that promote active transportation, including biking and walking