Karen Blixen / Isak Dinesen: Masks and Storyteller
Ivan Z. Sørensen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Event Details
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
7 p.m.
1418 Van Hise Hall
Avedon/Capote and Arendt ‘reading’ Isak Dinesen – the storyteller
So speaketh the Arbiter of the masquerade: “By thy mask I shall know thee” (Isak Dinesen:
“The Deluge at Norderney”). ‘As a storyteller I shall know thee.’ Thus spoke Richard Avedon – with his Dinesen photos. The Baroness was shocked, when she saw herself ‘exposed’ by Avedon. The Baroness would have been proud if she had known how her storytelling in Arendt’s thinking became a key concept for her study Men in Dark Times.
So speaketh the Arbiter of the masquerade: “By thy mask I shall know thee” (Isak Dinesen:
“The Deluge at Norderney”). ‘As a storyteller I shall know thee.’ Thus spoke Richard Avedon – with his Dinesen photos. The Baroness was shocked, when she saw herself ‘exposed’ by Avedon. The Baroness would have been proud if she had known how her storytelling in Arendt’s thinking became a key concept for her study Men in Dark Times.