Kernza Perennial Grain: Sustainable by Design
Lecture by Dr. Lee DeHaan, Lead Scientist, Intermediate Wheatgrass Program, The Land Institute
Event Details
Thursday, March 9, 2017
3:30 p.m.
351 Plant Sciences
Dr. DeHaan provides leadership at the Land Institute for the effort to develop intermediate wheatgrass into a perennial grain crop, which is marketed as Kernza.
The Land Institute is committed to researching and developing food production methods that sustain the land and soil, a precious resource in an increasingly precarious state around the globe. Their work is dedicated to advancing perennial grain crops and polyculture farming solutions.
The Land Institute is committed to researching and developing food production methods that sustain the land and soil, a precious resource in an increasingly precarious state around the globe. Their work is dedicated to advancing perennial grain crops and polyculture farming solutions.