Weaving Lab: Opening Reception
Plain Cloth Productions
Event Details
Thursday, June 1, 2017
5-7 p.m.
1160 Discovery Building
Join us for the opening reception of Weaving Lab!
For three months this summer, Marianne Fairbanks and a small team of students will be converting the Image Lab into a Weaving Lab: Plain Cloth Productions. This lab will serve as a site of textile production, exploring the creation of simple cloth on domestic floor looms. Five looms will become sites for creating experiments around labor, process, production, meditation, math-based structures and garment production.
For three months this summer, Marianne Fairbanks and a small team of students will be converting the Image Lab into a Weaving Lab: Plain Cloth Productions. This lab will serve as a site of textile production, exploring the creation of simple cloth on domestic floor looms. Five looms will become sites for creating experiments around labor, process, production, meditation, math-based structures and garment production.