Effort 102: ECRT Hands-on Training
Event Details
Thursday, February 8, 2018
9-11 a.m.
5041 21 N. Park St.
UW upgraded to to the latest version of ECRT in Dec. 2015.
The latest version of ECRT (v5.1) has a new look as well as several enhancements meant to make effort certification and processing more efficient.
This course will provide an overview of the changes along with hints and tips for working in the upgraded system as well as time for practicing in our Test ECRT environment.
The latest version of ECRT (v5.1) has a new look as well as several enhancements meant to make effort certification and processing more efficient.
This course will provide an overview of the changes along with hints and tips for working in the upgraded system as well as time for practicing in our Test ECRT environment.