The Gravity of Genre: Toward a General Theory of Theatrical Matter
A keynote lecture by Dr. Andrew Sofer, Professor of English, Boston College
Event Details
Saturday, April 14, 2018
5:30 p.m.
Keynote lecture, as part of Materiality & invisibility in Drama, Theatre, and Performance Studies Conference, which is scheduled for April 14, 9:00 am – 7:00 pm.
Beyond the “stuff” that populates the world of drama and performance, there are the myriad invisible processes and spectres of the stage. The conference seeks to bridge the study of material culture with what is immaterial both onstage and off.
Beyond the “stuff” that populates the world of drama and performance, there are the myriad invisible processes and spectres of the stage. The conference seeks to bridge the study of material culture with what is immaterial both onstage and off.