Psychiatry Grand Rounds
"Inflammation and Depression: Mechanisms, Mediators and Therapeutic Implications"
Event Details
Friday, August 3, 2018
12-1:15 p.m.
Wisconsin Psychiatric Institute and Clinics (WisPIC)
Dr. Andrew Miller is an internationally recognized leader in the area of brain-immune
interactions as they relate to depression in medically healthy as well as
medically ill patients including patients with cancer. His work has demonstrated
that during immune activation, inflammatory cytokines can access the brain
and interact with the metabolism of dopamine and glutamate, while altering
neurocircuits in the brain relevant to motivation and reward as well as anxiety
and alarm.
interactions as they relate to depression in medically healthy as well as
medically ill patients including patients with cancer. His work has demonstrated
that during immune activation, inflammatory cytokines can access the brain
and interact with the metabolism of dopamine and glutamate, while altering
neurocircuits in the brain relevant to motivation and reward as well as anxiety
and alarm.