ISS Photo Scavenger Hunt
Event Details
Sunday, January 20, 2019
1-4 p.m.
Tripp Commons, Memorial Union
Come join ISS and Center for the First-Year Experience (CFYE) and your new friends on a fun photo adventure around the campus and city.
This event is intended for new international students starting for the spring 2019 semester.
Form teams and follow clues to various locations where you will take group selfies, earn points, and compete for prizes. Make memories and explore your new home!
Snacks and hot chocolate provided at awards ceremony following the scavenger hunt.
This event is intended for new international students starting for the spring 2019 semester.
Form teams and follow clues to various locations where you will take group selfies, earn points, and compete for prizes. Make memories and explore your new home!
Snacks and hot chocolate provided at awards ceremony following the scavenger hunt.
Registration Required