Wisconsin Ideas in Education Series
Developing and Testing Interventions to Increase Racial Equity in School Discipline: Findings from a Comprehensive Line of Research
Event Details
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
12-1 p.m.
Due to inclement weather this event will not occur Jan. 30.
Kent McIntosh, professor of special education at the University of Oregon, will share details of a deliberate, theory-driven line of research producing rare and promising empirical data on school interventions that reduce the disproportionality of exclusionary discipline practices directed at students of color.
Sponsors: School of Education Early Career Faculty and WCER
Kent McIntosh, professor of special education at the University of Oregon, will share details of a deliberate, theory-driven line of research producing rare and promising empirical data on school interventions that reduce the disproportionality of exclusionary discipline practices directed at students of color.
Sponsors: School of Education Early Career Faculty and WCER