Prioritizing People: Designing as Sociability
Event Details
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
10:30 a.m.
Nancy Nicholas Hall, 1300 Linden Drive, Madison
Lecture by Dr. Maria Patsarika (PhD, Social Design Institute Associate) and Scott Townsend (Professor of Graphic & Experience Design at North Carolina State University).
Dr. Patsarika and Professor Townsend’s talk will overview their design research conducted over the last seven years, primarily in Greece. With a focus on design and social innovation, they have developed design strategies and methods used to support the preservation and application of cultural knowledge in communities.
Dr. Patsarika and Professor Townsend’s talk will overview their design research conducted over the last seven years, primarily in Greece. With a focus on design and social innovation, they have developed design strategies and methods used to support the preservation and application of cultural knowledge in communities.