Manage Your References: An Introduction to Citation Managers
Event Details
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
4-5:30 p.m.
231 Memorial Library
Citation Managers are software & web applications that help you to:
* Create & organize a personal research database of references gathered
* Format manuscripts &reference lists instantly in a variety of styles (MLA, APA, IEE, etc.)
* Share your research with colleagues
This workshop will give an overview of the 4 citation managers supported by the campus libraries, RefWorks, EndNote, EndNote Web and Zotero, & help you decide which one is right for you based on your research needs.
* Create & organize a personal research database of references gathered
* Format manuscripts &reference lists instantly in a variety of styles (MLA, APA, IEE, etc.)
* Share your research with colleagues
This workshop will give an overview of the 4 citation managers supported by the campus libraries, RefWorks, EndNote, EndNote Web and Zotero, & help you decide which one is right for you based on your research needs.