Monday, November 14, 2011
Beyond the Edge of the Sea: Diversity of Life in the Deep-Ocean Wilderness
Original Watercolors by Expeditionary Illustrator Karen Jacobsen
All day
Ebling Library, third floor galleries, Health Sciences Learning Center
Seaworthy: A History of Maritime Health and Medicine
All day
Ebling Library Historical Reading Room, Health Sciences Learning Center
International Education Week Photo Exhibit
8 a.m.-8 p.m.
2nd Floor Gallery, Armory and Gymnasium (Red Gym)
Research Data Brownbag: Building a data-sharing database: PaleoDB
2nd Mondays, Session #3 of the SLIS Research Data Brownbag Series
12 p.m.
SLIS Commons, Rm 4207 , Helen C. White Hall
PROSEM Lecture in Communicative Disorders
Approaches in Regenerative Medical Therapies for Hearing Loss
12 p.m.
COMD GH62, Goodnight Hall
Innovate 'N' Caffeinate
Featured Sponsor: Google
1 p.m.
Entrepreneurs' Resource Clinic, Discovery Building
Honoring Retiring Education Faculty: ELPA
American Education Week 2011 Celebration
1-4 p.m.
Wisconsin Idea Room (159), Education Building
Contemporary Biochemistry - Structural Biology
Mapping Transient Partial Unfolding in Proteins
3:30 p.m.
Ebling Symposium Center, Microbial Sciences
Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences Colloquium Series
Clouds, Aerosols & Radiation - Marine Research Activities at the Leibniz Institute
3:30 p.m.