Sunday, December 4, 2011
Beyond the Edge of the Sea: Diversity of Life in the Deep-Ocean Wilderness
Original Watercolors by Expeditionary Illustrator Karen Jacobsen
All day
Ebling Library, third floor galleries, Health Sciences Learning Center
Seaworthy: A History of Maritime Health and Medicine
All day
Ebling Library Historical Reading Room, Health Sciences Learning Center
Look, Look, Listen, Listen: Celebrating the Arts of Ghana
Art Exhibition
12-6 p.m.
Common Wealth Gallery, Madison Enterprise Center, 100 South Baldwin St., 3rd Floor, Madison, WI
Winter Choral Concerts
Beverly Taylor, Bruce Gladstone, Sarah Riskind and Russell Adrian, conductors
2-3 p.m.
Luther Memorial Church
Look, Look, Listen, Listen: Celebrating the Arts of Ghana
Koo Nimo, in concert with Atimevu Drum and Dance Ensemble
3 p.m.
Winter Choral Concerts
Beverly Taylor, Bruce Gladstone, Sarah Riskind and Russell Adrian, conductors
4-5 p.m.
Luther Memorial Church
University Bands
Justin Stolarik, Matthew Schlomer and Matthew Mireles, directors
4 p.m.
Mills Concert Hall, Mosse Humanities Building
Cinematheque at the Chazen - Jacques Tati
Mr. Hulot's Holiday / Les Vacances de M. Hulot (France, 1953)
4 p.m.