Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Writing learning objectives
Research-to-Classroom Studio
10-11:30 a.m.
302 Middleton Building / 1305 Linden Drive
Ruth Davis Design Gallery: Ancient Looms, Modern Threads
Contemporary Handwoven Garments from Oaxaca, Mexico
12-4 p.m.
Wednesday Nite @ The Lab
“Dealing With Aquatic Invasive Species " by Tim Campbell, UW-Extension
7 p.m.
Shade Trees
Arboretum Longenecker Horticultural Gardens Tour
7 p.m.
Meet at Visitor Center, UW–Madison Arboretum
Awakening the Mind: A Celebration of the Life and Work of Oliver Sacks
A livestream from the World Science Festival in New York
7 p.m.
Orchard View Room, Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery