Saturday, August 13, 2016
Kohler Art Library Exhibit - Title/Tidal: Book Arts and Water
Kohler Art Library / Wisconsin Water Library Exhibit
All day
Kohler Art Library, Conrad A. Elvehjem Building
Lakeshore Nature Preserve Volunteer Work Party
9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Meet at Picnic Point parking lot 129 (2004 University Bay Drive). On 80 bus route.
Ecological Restoration Work Party
Arboretum Core Area and Curtis Prairie
9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Meet at Visitor Center, UW–Madison Arboretum
Out Run Asthma
5k Run/Walk and Kids 1k
10 a.m.
Howard Temin Lakeshore Path near Lot 60 on the UW Campus
Ruth Davis Design Gallery: Ancient Looms, Modern Threads
Contemporary Handwoven Garments from Oaxaca, Mexico
12-4 p.m.
The Jimmys with Joe Duraes and the Skills
The Wisconsin Union
9-11:55 p.m.
The Terrace, Memorial Union