Monday, April 24, 2023
Exhibition: Suzanne Soriano's "We Step Into the Light"
The Wisconsin Union
All day
Gallery 1308, Union South
Exhibition: Kel Mur and Victoria Charleson
The Wisconsin Union
All day
Class of 1925 Gallery, Memorial Union
Exhibition: Aleksandra Panic's "Wolves, Snakes and Spirits"
The Wisconsin Union
All day
Main Gallery, 2nd floor, Memorial Union
Exhibit: Sängerfests – A German American Tradition
All day
University Club, Fourth Floor, 432 East Campus Mall
MFA Thesis Exhibition: Sophie Loubere - Trespasses
9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Tandem Press, 1743 Commercial Ave, Madison, WI 53704
Reflect Exhibit
Part of the 2023 SAAM Reclaiming Campus: Ground & Reflect series
10:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
4th floor Multipurpose Room, 333 East Campus Mall
Star in your own READ poster for National Library Week
Hosted by MERIT Library and the School of Education
12-7 p.m.
Third Floor, Teacher Education
Digital Migrant Families Developing a Research Agenda
Research brownbag with Dr. Xinyu (Andy) Zhao, Deakin University Australia
12-1 p.m.
4207 Helen C. White Hall
Writing Center Workshop
Peace Corps Application/Reapplication Workshop: Writing the Résumé and Motivation Statement
1-2:30 p.m.