Daily Drop-in Campus Tour
Event Details
Friday, July 6, 2018
10 a.m.
Campus and Community Information Desk (1st Floor), Memorial Union
Student tour guides will introduce you to campus through this 45-minute walking tour, showcasing UW-Madison history, academics, research, and culture. This tour is recommended for K-8 students and adults.
Daily Drop-In Campus Tours are free and advanced registration is not required for groups of 5 or fewer. Groups of 6 or more are asked to make reservations at least one week in advance by contacting the Campus Visit Program at cvpspecialist@uwmad.wisc.edu or 608-265-9500.
Daily Drop-In Campus Tours are free and advanced registration is not required for groups of 5 or fewer. Groups of 6 or more are asked to make reservations at least one week in advance by contacting the Campus Visit Program at cvpspecialist@uwmad.wisc.edu or 608-265-9500.