Women's Health and Health Equity Research Lecture & Symposium
Event Details
Thursday, October 3, 2019
7:30-10:45 a.m.
7:30-8:00: Breakfast and Poster Viewing
8:15-9:15: "Saving Black Mothers and Babies: What do the Data tell us?", Tiffany Green, PhD
9:15-9:45: Poster Viewing
9:45-10:15: "Are we reaching beyond the worried well? Using a population-based health survey to inform dissemination strategies for health prevention and promotion", Heidi Brown, MD, MAS, FACOG
10:15-10:45: “Examining Health Through Race, Gender, and Class", Xing Sherry Zhang, PhD
8:15-9:15: "Saving Black Mothers and Babies: What do the Data tell us?", Tiffany Green, PhD
9:15-9:45: Poster Viewing
9:45-10:15: "Are we reaching beyond the worried well? Using a population-based health survey to inform dissemination strategies for health prevention and promotion", Heidi Brown, MD, MAS, FACOG
10:15-10:45: “Examining Health Through Race, Gender, and Class", Xing Sherry Zhang, PhD