Discussion Opportunity: Interrogating Whiteness through Socialization
Event Details
Are you interested in continuing the conversation about the role of White people in racial justice work? Want to connect with other students who are passionate about engaging in racial justice work? Facilitators from units across campus have come together to offer this discussion opportunity.
The majority of the time will be in small facilitated discussion groups. Register to join us on Friday, July 31 from 11:30 am - 1 pm. A BlackBoard Collaborate link will be sent to participants at 11 am on Friday, July 31.
This event is hosted by the Dean of Students Office, in partnership with Academic Advising, UW-Madison Diversity, UW-Madison Residence Halls, Gender and Sexuality Campus Center, School of Nursing, and Center for Leadership & Involvement at UW-Madison.
You will be asked to fill out a survey in order to receive an invite to the event. Please see details below.
Survey: https://uwmadison.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4MEzosf648OAMpD