Women in CS Talk: I Love Academia and I Want It to Be Better: Efforts Charting New Territory in Science
Dr. Rosanne Liu (Google Brain)
Event Details
LIVE ZOOM LINK: https://uwmadison.zoom.us/j/99344935915?pwd=ZjZEc244VXhpTWxRcHg4bzBHakJ0Zz09
The world we live in has structures and rules in place that we were not around to make. At best, society is designed and optimized for people before us — we are all out-of-distribution (OOD) samples when it comes to living. We often start out by following rules and guidelines passed down to us from people ahead of us. But after gaining certain agency alongside maturity, it's time for us to think about making changes to existing rules. I will share my personal story of going through such a transition, from a rule-follower to charting my own path in science. With that I hope everyone who has ever felt "unfit" in academia, or elsewhere, can think about what we can do collectively to—as the cheesy saying goes—make it a better place.
Her bio (different length options) can be found here: https://rosanneliu.com/bio.