Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Science in the Northwoods
A Conference on Ecological Research in the Northern Highlands of Wisconsin
All day
Camp Manito-Wish, Boulder Junction WI
Farms, Dogs and Their People
Paintings by Adrienne Applegate
All day
Third floor galleries, Ebling Library, Health Sciences Learning Center
AOS & WISELI Special Colloquium
High-Resolution Climate Projections: Connecting Global Change to Local Impacts
3:30 a.m.
Center for Visual Cultures Workshop With Dr. Michael Marmor
Vision, Ophthalmology and Art: A Conversation With Michael Marmor
9:30-11 a.m.
Rm 313 University Club Building, 803 State Street
Lived Inquiry: Anthropologies of the Intellect
Informational Meeting
11 a.m.
Center for the Humanities Conference Room, rm. 313, University Club
Limnology and Marine Sciences Weekly Brown Bag Seminar
New Person Intros and Grad Student Updates
12-1 p.m.
GSC Panel
Family Matters: The Unique Challenges of Balancing Parenthood and Academics
12-1:30 p.m.
TBD - all registered participants will be contacted closer to the event date with updated location information
Sarah Babb, Boston College
Behind the Development Banks: Washington Politics, World Development and the Wealth of Nations
12:15 p.m.
Department of Sociology Fall 2010 Colloquia
Sarah Babb, Boston College, 'Behind the Development Banks: Washington Politics, World Development, and the Wealth of Nations'
12:15 p.m.
Behind the Development Banks
Washington Politics, World Development, and the Wealth of Nations
12:15 p.m.