Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Informing Consent
Unwitting Subjects in Medicine's Pursuit of Beneficial Knowledge
All day
Ebling Library Historical Reading Room, Health Sciences Learning Center
McArdle Seminar in Cancer Biology
Reiteration of IL-1 Signaling in Prostate Development Mediates Inflammation-induced Reactive Hyperplasia
9:30 a.m.
Auditorium, Genetics-Biotechnology Center Building
Wis. State Lab of Hygiene Scientific Seminar
Spice -- It's Not Just for Cooking! A Look at the Synthetic Cannabinoids Trend
12-1 p.m.
Travelling Film South Asia '10 EXTENDED
Twelve Outstanding Documentaries from South Asia
2-6 p.m.
336 Ingraham Hall
2010 Romanell Phi Beta Kappa Professorship Lecture Series: Preferences, Values, and Choice
Lecture 3: Preferences, Welfare, and Welfare Economics
3:30 p.m.
Lecture in Russian
Olga Trubetskoy: Current Natural Resource Protection Initiatives in Russia
4-5 p.m.
254 Van Hise Hall