Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Hoodwinked: An Installation by Jay Katelansky
2016 Chazen Museum Prize for an Outstanding MFA Student
All day
"POSTERITY" Curated by the WUD Art Committee
Wisconsin Union Exhibition
The Wisconsin Union
7 a.m.-10 p.m.
Gallery 1308, Union South
UW-Madison's Celebration of Leadership Spring Open House
Showcasing the leadership development on our campus
2 p.m.
Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery
AOS Department Seminar
Assessing AIRS and MODIS spectral information content for ice cloud retrievals
2:30-3:30 p.m.
Genetics Spring Colloquium
Mike Eisen, University of California-Berkley (Melissa Harrison)
3:30 p.m.
Our Uncertain Future: A Discussion with Howard Schweber
The Wisconsin Union
4 p.m.
Council Room, Memorial Union
Lecture: Optical Brain Interface
SPIE/OSH student chapter distinguished guest seminar by Dr. Ramin Pashaie
4-5:30 p.m.
CBE Hougen Lecture by Babatunde A Ogunnaike
OPTIMIZING IN-VITRO FERTILIZATION TREATMENT A Pedagogical Case Study in Random Phenomena Analysis with Social Implications
4 p.m.
1610 Engineering Hall
"Peru and Bolivia: Women, Potatoes, and Politics" Three-part Lecture Series
"Indigenous Activism and their Political Views"
4-5 p.m.
Using the Force for #UWSocial Good
5:30 p.m.