Thursday, February 21, 2019
Using Your Travel Experiences to Land a Job with Souvenirs
The Wisconsin Union
6-8 p.m.
Check TITU, Memorial Union
Badger Cafe
"A Conversation with Chris Borland: Meditation and Mindfulness"
6-8 p.m.
One Alumni Place, Below Alumni Center
At the Chazen: African-American Pioneers
Special Talk: Steve Ryfle on "Desegregating Hollywood: Film and the Civil Rights Era"
6 p.m.
At the Chazen: African-American Pioneers
The Learning Tree | USA | 1969 | 35mm | 107 min. Director: Gordon Parks
7 p.m.
University Opera and University Theatre: Sondheim’s Into the Woods
7:30 p.m.
Memorial Union-Shannon Hall