Monday, February 20, 2023
Exhibition: Versiti's LifeLine: The Ultimate Bond
The Wisconsin Union
All day
Gallery 1308, Union South
Classes resume
All day
Visiting professor Wil Burns lecture
Climate change, Geoengineering options and international law
12-1 p.m.
Lubar Commons, 7200, Law Building
Tracking Your Research Outputs with ORCID (and Other Tools) Online Workshop
2-3 p.m.
Online, connection information will be sent in advance
Biochemistry Colloquium: John Kuriyan
Deep Mutagenesis Studies of a DNA Polymerase Clamp Loader
3 p.m.
Understanding Success in Undergraduate Language Certificates: Success Rates and Their Implications
Language Collaboratory: A Professional Development Series for Language Educators
3:30-4 p.m.
Department of Anthropology Colloquium
"Health Inequities, Embodied Sovereignty, and the Politics of COVID Management in the French Caribbean" By Dr. Raphaëlle Rabanes, Assistant Professor of Sociocultural Anthropology at the University of Washington Seattle
3:30-5 p.m.
AOS Colloquium Series - Dr. Kelly M. Núñez Ocasio
The Multiscale Nature and Moisture Dependency of Tropical Cyclone Formation
3:30-5 p.m.
811 AOSS, Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences Building
Also offered online