Friday, March 31, 2023
Ophthalmology Grand Rounds & Frontiers in Vision Lecture Series - In-Person and via Zoom
Claire Mitchell, PhD on "Microglial Responses Linking Mechanical Strain to Neuroinflammation"
7-8 a.m.
MFA Thesis Exhibition: Cullen Houser - Singularity
9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Tandem Press, 1743 Commercial Ave, Madison, WI 53704
Hand Made in America: Contemporary Custom Footwear
10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Spring Book Sale - Friends of UW-Mad Libraries
Thousands of books, LP's and DVD's at unbelievable prices!
10:30 a.m.-7 p.m.
116 Memorial Library
Center for Southeast Asian Studies Friday Forum Lecture
"Mobilizing for Elections: Patronage and Political Machines in Southeast Asia"
12-1:30 p.m.
206 Ingraham Hall
BIOS Seminar - Finding Meaning at the Intersection of Art and Sport
Dr. Faisal Abdu'Allah
12-1 p.m.
Bennett Hall, Student-Athlete Performance Center, Camp Randall Stadium, Camp Randall Stadium
POSTPONED DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER - new date April 7....Vineyard Tutorial at the West Madison Ag Research Center
Pruning Workshop/Disease & Spray Management
1-4:30 p.m.
8502 Mineral Point Rd, Verona, WI 53593
Anticipating Disability: Design Strategies for Inclusive World Language Teaching
A workshop for UW-Madison language educators led by Dr. Wade Edwards, Longwood University
1-3 p.m.
1418 Van Hise Hall
36th GAFIS Symposium “Living the Land: Global and Local (Trans)Formations”
36th Annual Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Symposium
2-7 p.m.
235 Pyle Center
Applied and Computational Math Seminar
| Mihai Anitescu (Argonne National Laboratory)
2:25 p.m.
901 Van Vleck Hall