Life Sciences Communication Colloquium: Bret Shaw & Laura Witzling
“Targeting audiences in local food contexts: Lifestyle segmentation and social media”
Event Details
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
12-1 p.m.
135 Hiram Smith Hall
Come hear UW-Madison life sciences communication associate professor Bret Shaw and PhD student Laura Witzling speak at our colloquium!
Shaw and Witzling will talk about communication strategies for reaching audiences in a local food context. They will describe their work to classify survey respondents based on lifestyle factors to inform targeted messages. They will also discuss a project testing different message frames via paid Facebook advertising to promote business for Wisconsin farms.
Shaw and Witzling will talk about communication strategies for reaching audiences in a local food context. They will describe their work to classify survey respondents based on lifestyle factors to inform targeted messages. They will also discuss a project testing different message frames via paid Facebook advertising to promote business for Wisconsin farms.