Civic Hope in the Age of Trump
Ivan L. Preston Research Colloquium with Roderick P. Hart
Event Details
Friday, September 28, 2018
3:30-5:30 p.m.
James L. Hoyt Multimedia Classroom (2195), Vilas Hall
Given the discord that has enveloped the American people since the 2016 election, one must ask:
Can civic hope survive? I answer yes based on an extensive content analysis of letters to the editor
written in twelve small American cities between 1948 and the present.
Roderick P. Hart holds the Shivers Chair in Communication and is Professor of Government at the
University of Texas at Austin.
Can civic hope survive? I answer yes based on an extensive content analysis of letters to the editor
written in twelve small American cities between 1948 and the present.
Roderick P. Hart holds the Shivers Chair in Communication and is Professor of Government at the
University of Texas at Austin.