(rescheduled) Trends in P4 applications and Targets, JK Lee, Intel/Barefoot
Event Details
P4 started as a language and ecosystem to primarily program network switch data plane. It's been adopted as the de facto standard by multiple targets and vendors in programming or expressing packet processing data plane. The community is now pushing P4 and P4 targets into building applications that require more than simple packet processing. This talk will cover the recent trends in the industry and the efforts at Intel.
Jeongkeun (JK) Lee is a Principal Engineer at Intel, Barefoot Switching Division. He led Advanced Applications team in Barefoot, producing INT, L4 load-balancer and network tester products on Tofino/P4. At Intel, he's been working on applications across various dataplanes: FPGA, smart NIC, switch, DPDK. He is a co-chair of P4.org Applications WG.