Oldies but Goodies - with Dr. Zvi Galil
Event Details
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
10 a.m.
3310 Computer Sciences
Speaker: Zvi Galil, Frederick G. Storey Chair in Computing and Executive Advisor to Online Programs, Former John P. Imlay Jr. Dean of Computing, Georgia Tech
Abstract: Computer Science is a very young field, but it already has 50+ year old open problems in complexity theory and 30+ year old challenges in algorithm design. It seems that very few people are working on them these days. The talk will remind the audience of some of these problems and challenges with the hope that more people will join the efforts to solve the open problems and overcome the challenges. Some of the examples will be from my own work on matchings, flows and stringology.
The talk will be non-technical; only basic knowledge in algorithms will be needed.