Wisconsin Late Night Presents: Cupcake Wars!
Event Details
Want to show off your cupcake decorating skills? Come compete against your peers in WLN’s Cupcake Wars (and enjoy eating your cupcakes after)!
*Decorating contest begins at 9PM and judging begins at 10PM.*
Attendees will be able to pick out their own undecorated cupcakes (chocolate & vanilla cupcake flavors, and we will have some gluten free muffins available as well). Then, they will be given lots of different supplies (non-edible craft supplies like popsicle sticks, straws, etc. AND edible items like icing, sprinkles, etc.) so that they can decorate their cupcake, and give their masterpiece a name. At 10pm, we are planning on having a voting contest where the LNCs pick their favorite cupcake and that team gets a prize. Then, everyone will be able to eat their cupcakes. If people come in after the judging, they can still decorate a cupcake, but the actual competition will be over.