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Machine Learning Lunch Meeting

Provable Guarantees for Neural Networks via Gradient Feature Learning

Event Details

Thursday, October 19, 2023
12:15 p.m.

**Note, the late start time.** Everyone is invited to the weekly machine learning lunch meetings, where our faculty members from Computer Science, Statistics, ECE, and other departments will discuss their latest groundbreaking research in machine learning. This is an opportunity to network with faculty and fellow researchers and to learn about the cutting-edge research being conducted at our university.

Speaker: Yingyu Liang

Abstract: Neural networks have achieved remarkable empirical performance, while the current theoretical analysis is not adequate for understanding their success, e.g., the Neural Tangent Kernel approach fails to capture their key feature learning ability, while recent analyses on feature learning are typically problem-specific. This work proposes a unified analysis framework for two-layer networks trained by gradient descent. The framework is centered around the principle of feature learning from gradients, and its effectiveness is demonstrated by applications in several prototypical problems such as mixtures of Gaussians and parity functions. The framework also sheds light on interesting network learning phenomena such as feature learning beyond kernels and the lottery ticket hypothesis.
This is joint work with Zhenmei Shi and Junyi Wei.

