Saturday, April 6, 2019
One of A Kind Ahead of Her Time: The Legacy of Helen Louise Allen
The inaugural exhibition of the Textile Gallery showcases collection pieces representing the travels of Professor Helen Louise Allen. Open Wed.-Sun., Jan. 27-Apr. 18
All day
Lynn Mecklenburg Textile Gallery, Nancy Nicholas Hall
Appliqué to Zardozi: A Celebration Sampler
An exhibition celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Helen Louise Allen Textile Collection. Open Wed.-Sun., Jan. 27-Apr. 14
All day
Ruth Davis Design Gallery, Nancy Nicholas Hall
2019 Wisconsin Film Festival
Wisconsin Union Theater
The Wisconsin Union
All day
Shannon Hall, Memorial Union, Memorial Union
2019 Master of Fine Arts Exhibition Season
All day
Art Lofts Gallery, 111 N Frances St and Gallery 7, Humanities Building 7th Floor, 455 N Park St
UW Madison Geology Museum
UW Science Expeditions
9 a.m.-4 p.m.
UW Geology Museum, Weeks Hall for Geological Sciences
Continuing Studies, Languages & Culture
Language Instructor Training: The Most Important Day - Level 1, Day 1
9-11 a.m.
1108 21 N. Park St.
Assessment, Articulation, and Accountability
East Asian Language Pedagogy Workshop
9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Pyle Center
Wisconsin Insect Research Collection Open House
UW Science Expeditions
10 a.m.-2 p.m.
147 Russell Laboratories